Archivi del giorno: 12 aprile 2018

M’s Music – Santo Spirito Blues

Santo Spirito Blues is the twenty-third studio album by British singer-songwriter Chris Rea, released in 2011 by his independent record label Jazzee Blue and Rhino Entertainment.

The album as the Blue Guitars and The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes was another distinguishable project because besides the regular CD edition was released in a deluxe edition that contains 2 DVDs with documentaries Bull Fighting and Santo Spirito and 2 CDs with soundtracks of the documentaries.

Rea found inspiration for the album from the Italian church Santo Spirito, Florence (Holy Spirit) while was visiting his daughter.

In regard to the first documentary, he had interest in the topic of bullfighting and matadors like Julián López Escobar, however, when during his trip to Seville went to watch one bullfight he was horrified by the reality and soon went out, stating that “there are two sides to that story because even after the bull is half dead, the bullfighter still has to be really brave”.

The documentary Bull Fighting (59 minutes) is a raw and brutally honest chronicle on bullfighting, featuring neo-classical and Spanish-themed gypsy music, while the second Santo Spirito (55 minutes) looking like a Russian 1930s black and white film which features following a man on a search for the truth in religion in the city of Florence, a journey he may or may not wish he began.

The documentaries were written and directed by Rea with help of filmmaker Scott McBurney. Rea recalls that he did those films “just so that I could do the music”.

The second documentary was broadcast in September 2011 on Tagesschau German television service.


Stasera si mangia fuori…

Ottimo ristorantino e ottimo menù…

“Tutte le opzioni sono sul tavolo.”

Che bella la primaveraaaaa !

Il risveglio della natura, gli alberi in fiori, il cinguettio degli uccellini, freddo siberiano al mattino, caldo sahariano di pomeriggio, piogge amazzoniche la sera…

Allergie, mal di gola e Tachipirina prima di dormire…