Archivi tag: Animaţie

M’s Animation – Sleeping Betty

Il ruolo della bella addormentata è ancora libero?

Dorme 100 anni, giusto?
E mio!

E vivvaaaaa le ferie !

M’s Animation – The Last Belle

C’è sempre una “prima volta” per tutti e per tutto, voi quale ricordate e perché ?

Grazie a chi risponderà!

M’s Animation – The Wishgranter

This is fantastic… wish I could happen with me sometime…

M’s Animation – The Secret Life of Pets

Max the dog, who won’t sit still…

Chloe, the grumpy cat.

, the camera hog.

, the dog who thinks a Christmas tree is the perfect place to relieve himself.

, the dachshund who tries to attack a pesky elf (who’s actually just his back end).

And Snowball the Rabbit who goes on a sugar rampage.

M’s Animation – What is love ?

I love this french animated short by Louis Clichy…

Clichy is an amazing illustrator, art director, animator, storyboarder… he currently works for Pixar and lives in Oakland.

M’s Animation – Monday Morning

Din cauza anomaliilor spațio-temporale, astăzi, în lumea mea, este luni 😊

Bună dimineața ! 

M’s Animation – The Egyptian Pyramids

Ce poate face o cămilă având la dispoziție o…  “telecomandă de piramidă” ? 😆

M’s Animation – Ascension

Ascension is an animated short by a team of french animators and filmmakers.

It’s a heart-warming story of perserverance and determination in the mountains, showing that sometimes you have to experience failure in order to achieve a goal – even if it does cost you an arm and a leg…

M’s Animation – The song of the rain

Acest scurt-metraj animat, se bazează pe o poveste adevărată, întâmplată în China, cu optzeci de ani in urmă.

Este dedicată tuturor celor ce au contribuit la lupta împotriva WW2.

M’s Animation – A Candy Affair

 Happy Halloween !

By aniBOOM Animation !