Archivi tag: Jean Michel Jarre

Happy 2021

What a fantastic way to see out one of the worst years ever with that concert…

May we all have a wonderful 2021!

M’s Music – Jean Michel Jarre

JEAN-MICHEL JARRE: “Welcome To The Other Side” – Uno spettacolare – virtuale CONCERTO DI CAPODANNO a NOTRE-DAME

31 DICEMBRE 2020 – 23:25 CET

In collaborazione con la città di Parigi e con il patrocinio dell’UNESCO, il pioniere della musica elettronica Jean-Michel Jarre collabora con la start-up francese VRrOOm per portarci nel nuovo anno con un concerto spettacolare in livestream ambientato nel punto di riferimento planetario Notre-Dame de Paris.

Lo spettacolare mondo virtuale creato da Jarre sarà anche l’immagine ufficiale del notiziario di mezzanotte della città di Parigi.
“Welcome to the Other Side” è un concerto unico, esclusivo, mondiale e disponibile a tutti la cui ambizione, oltre a celebrare il nuovo anno in modo futuristico e festoso, è anche un messaggio di speranza per il 2021: un invito digitale e virtuale da Parigi, la Città della Luce, vibrante metropoli dell’Arti e della Cultura e sede della cattedrale più famosa del mondo.

Notre-Dame ha un posto unico nell’immaginario collettivo, è un simbolo della forza e del Patrimonio dell’Umanità e lo spettacolare concerto virtuale di Jarre invita tutti noi a festeggiare insieme il nuovo anno. La realtà virtuale ci dà la possibilità di festeggiare insieme, ovunque ci troviamo, compresi tutti coloro che sono socialmente o geograficamente isolati.
Jean-Michel Jarre si esibirà dal vivo da uno studio vicino alla Cattedrale di Parigi, mentre il suo avatar suonerà all’interno di una Notre-Dame virtuale.

Il concerto di 45 minuti che Jarre eseguirà sarà composto da brani della sua recente opera Electronica nominata ai Grammy, oltre a nuove versioni rielaborate dei suoi classici, Oxygène ed Equinoxe.

L’audio del concerto sarà inoltre pubblicato l’01.01.2021 alle 00:15 CET su tutte le piattaforme di streaming musicale con il titolo “Welcome to the Other Side – LIVE”.

L’esperienza in live streaming del 31 dicembre sarà una creazione all’avanguardia di media misti in modo simultaneo: Welcome to the Other Side della realtà, benvenuto nel nuovo anno, benvenuto alla tua celebrazione personale, benvenuto a una festa globale:

– In totale immersione attraverso la piattaforma VRchat, accessibile sia tramite PC, sia in realtà virtuale per il pubblico dotato di visori VR

– In live streaming attraverso gli account di Jarre e altre piattaforme di social media tramite qualsiasi PC o Mac, smartphone o tablet

– Trasmissione audio in diretta su France Inter di Radio France, radio pubblica francese

– Trasmissione TV in diretta dal canale di notizie francese BFM Paris

“La realtà virtuale è per le arti dello spettacolo ciò che il cinema era per il teatro nei suoi primi giorni, una sorta di curiosità. Credo che la realtà virtuale diventerà domani un modo di espressione a sé stante” – Jean-Michel Jarre

Pentru noaptea de Revelion, Parisul a fost nevoit să renunțe la tradiționala petrecere în stradă care avea ca punct final focul de artificii, înlocuind totul cu un concert Jean Michele Jarre live în realitatea virtuală din Notre Dame…

Concertul va fi transmis pe youtube și facebook, va începe la ora 23.25 și va dura 50 de minute, iar Jean Michel Jarre – care va cânta în direct- va apărea sub forma unui avatar în catedrala digitalizată înainte de incendiul din 2019.

Spectacolul e patronat de UNESCO, susținut de primăria Parisului și se vrea a fi un mesaj de speranță pentru vremurile dificile, dar și o ocazie de a aduce un omagiu Catedralei Notre Dame. El se va numi “Welcome to the other side”.

M’s Music – Welcome to the Other Side

“Welcome to the Other Side” is a one-off exclusive, worldwide and open-to-all, free concert experience whose ambition, beyond celebrating the New Year in a futuristic and festive way, is to send a message of hope for 2021 and for the end of the dark times we are all going through this year: a digital and virtual invitation from Paris, the City of Light, vibrant metropole of the Arts & of Culture and home to the most famous cathedral in the world. Notre-Dame has a unique place in the collective imagination, it is a symbol of the strength and of World Heritage that binds us together.

M’s Music – Alone Together

« ALONE TOGETHER » Join Jean-Michel Jarre and his Avatar for a Live VR performance to celebrate Fête de la Musique 2020, June 21st at 21h15 CET.

A world premier. French musician Jean-Michel Jarre, via his Avatar, will perform live in a specially designed virtual world, accessible to all. Jarre’s custom-created “Alone Together” is a Live performance in virtual reality, simultaneously broadcast in real time across digital platforms, in 3D & 2D.

To date, all virtual musical performances are pre-produced and are hosted in pre-existing digital worlds. Here Jarre presents his event in its own customized virtual world and everyone can share the online experience via PC, tablets, smartphones, or in total immersion on interactive VR headsets. Important to Jarre, this project also aims to send a message to the public and the entire music industry: whether in the real or virtual world, music and live performance have a value, the recognition and sustainability of which is vital for millions of creators. In addition to the digital broadcast, a “silent” broadcast of the virtual concert will be offered in city-center Paris, in the courtyard of the Palais Royal, to a selection of students from schools of the performing arts, training in sound and image, who will only need to bring their mobile phone and headphones to share the live performance on a big screen. At the end of this simultaneous performance, the participants gathered in the courtyard of the Palais Royal will be able to chat live with Jean-Michel Jarre’s avatar, erasing even further the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds.

To conclude, the avatar will open a virtual backstage door to which Jarre will welcome the group of students in person to his studio to share the behind the scenes of the evening. Jean-Michel Jarre intends to demonstrate that VR, augmented reality and AI are new vectors that can help create a new mode of artistic expression, production and distribution, while maintaining the unparalleled emotion of the real-time encounter between artists and the public. The period of sanitary crisis we are going through has highlighted the opportunity and the need for a paradigm shift to keep up with the times. “Having performed in extraordinary venues, virtual reality will now allow me to play in unimaginable spaces while remaining on a physical stage” says Jean-Michel Jarre.

The internationally renowned French musician believes that World Music Day is the ideal opportunity to promote these new uses and a greater understanding of one of the possible future business models of the live music performance industry. “Virtual or augmented realities can be to the performing arts what the advent of cinema was to the theatre, an additional mode of expression made possible by new technologies at a given time,” predicts Jarre. Breaking the barriers of isolation, “Alone Together”, the virtual experience imagined and composed by Jean-Michel Jarre, is produced in collaboration with the social virtual reality world VRrOOm created by Louis Cacciuttolo, who has brought together for the occasion a team of innovative artists such as Pierre Friquet and Vincent Masson and technicians who are experts in immersive technologies such as SoWhen?, Seekat, Antony Vitillo, or Lapo Germasi.

M’s Music – EōN by Jean Michel Jarre

The story beyond Eōn

« EON » is an ancient Greek God associated with Time & Eternity.
The « time » represented by EON is infinite and unbounded in the sense of «ages» and «forever».

In cosmology, geology or astronomy, EON is often used in reference to a period of a billion years…
I named this project EŌN, as it best defines exactly what it is – an infinite musical and visual creation, which offers each individual a unique experience on its primary support as an App: on each device, and on each launch of the EŌN App, you will hear and see a unique ever-evolving orchestration of the music & the visuals. EŌN is a never ending, never repetitive, organic art-piece that will live & grow forever in everyone’s own singular space-time continuum, at the tip of their finger.


Jean-Michel Jarre

Jarre are o tristeţe, o uitare înapoi, un dor pus pe sunete, are melodia sufletului în note alterate de sunetele cele mai noi, este unic şi va rămâne aşa …

Composer, performer, producer, visionary, innovator, cultural ambassador. Any list of Jean-Michel Jarre’s countless factettes would inevitably come short of his actual significance in music history. “JMJ” is a living legend and often referred to as the “Godfather of Electronic Music”.

When Jarre launched his landmark-debut album “OXYGENE” in 1976, he opened a new chapter in music history. The record has sold over 18 million copies and laid the foundations for his exceptional career. Jarre’s pioneering work gave birth to a veritable cult and the fastest-growing trend the music industry has ever stood to witness: the rise of electronic music.

I created a playlist with all tracks mentioned in the book. Available now on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer. Follow my profile to be informed about new releases coming soon.

Who is coming to the reading event in Lyon next Saturday ?


Well done, JMJ !

J’adore Jarre !

Jarre are o tristeţe, o uitare înapoi, un dor pus pe sunete, are melodia sufletului în note alterate de sunetele cele mai noi, este unic şi va rămâne aşa …