Generalului Aurel I. Rogojan i-a trebuit mult curaj ca să spună lucrurilor pe nume. Un om care a schimbat zece șefi ai spionajului și contraspionajului românesc, care a citit munți de documente pe care le-a ținut minte…

În memorialistica foștilor lucrători în Servicii, cartea asta este pe locul întâi!

Dezvăluirile din carte pot fi împărțite în următoarele categorii:

Despre cum funcționa Securitatea;

Despre prezența spionajului străin, atât din Vest, cât și din Est, pe teritoriul României, înainte și după decembrie 1989;

Despre realitățile din anii comuniști, cu un accent aparte pus pe relația dintre Securitate și Puterea politică;

Despre pregătirea și desfășurarea Loviturii de stat din decembrie 1989;

Despre atmosfera din SRI sub șefiile lui Virgil Măgureanu, Costin Georgescu și Radu Timofte;

Despre relația SRI cu Puterea politică postdecembristă, întruchipată de președinții Ion Iliescu, Emil Constantinescu, Traian Băsescu.”

Ion Cristoiu

Informazioni su Mădălina lu' Cafanu

Il cassetto dei calzini invernali dovrebbe nascondere l’ingresso a Narnia, non l’armadio. Vedi tutti gli articoli di Mădălina lu' Cafanu

26 responses to “PUTEREA UMBREI

  • unallegropessimista

    Sono sicuro sulla fiducia che hai scritto cose interessanti.
    Vedo che stai meglio.

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    • Mădălina lu' Cafanu

      Ci è voluto molto coraggio per il generale Aurel Rogojan per dire le cose per nome. Un uomo che ha cambiato dieci capi di spionaggio e controspionaggio rumeno, che ha letto montagne di documenti che ricorda anche adesso…

      In memoria degli ex lavoratori dei Servizi Segreti, questo libro è il primo in classifica.

      Le informazioni possono essere suddivise nelle seguenti categorie:

      Informazioni sul funzionamento della sicurezza;

      Sulla presenza di spionaggio straniero, sia da ovest che da est, sul territorio della Romania, prima e dopo il dicembre 1989;

      Sulle realtà degli anni comunisti, con particolare attenzione al rapporto tra sicurezza e potere politico;

      Sulla preparazione e condotta del colpo di stato del dicembre 1989;

      Sull’atmosfera in SRI sotto la guida di Virgil Măgureanu, Costin Georgescu e Radu Timofte;

      Sul rapporto della SRI con il potere politico post dicembre ’89 ( presidenti Ion Iliescu, Emil Constantinescu, Traian Basescu).

      Sembra interessante 😎

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  • newwhitebear

    buon inizio di settimana. Un sorriso, Mad

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  • Florin

    Eu cred că nu i-a trebuit nici un curaj. “Relația secu – partid” nu exista decât semnul egal – am trăit acele vremuri. Secu era scula partidului pentru a-și menține puterea, controlul maselor. Nu trebuie uitat că ceașcă a fost șeful secu înainte de a lua puterea, QED.
    Cât de mari patrioți au fost? E simplu, ne uităm la diferența de nivel de trai între noi și vest, generată prin menținerea noastră în sfera rusească. Cu ce preț au realizat asta? Cu prețul a extrem de multe victime – morți (nimeni nu știe dacă au fost sute de mii sau peste milion), vieți distruse, familii distruse, înfometare, subzistență. Cine a făcut asta? Chiar ei, marii patrioți, părintii și bunicii celor care-și urlă astăzi patriotismul pe toate canalele.
    Andronic? Nici usturoi n-a mâncat nici gura nu-i … Cu ce ocazie în “sufrageria lui Oprea”?, nu ne-a spus. Dar răspunsul îl găsiți urmărind politica editorială a evz.ro.

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  • Matteo

    Questo mi interessava… Peccato per il video che non ci capisco nulla

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  • macalder02

    It would be interesting to read the book but due to the language, unlikely. The politics of the countries dominated by Russia, were disastrous. Many dead on the road to keep control. At least with the reading of the comments I have an idea of ​​your thoughts on this subject. With this entry you have raised an exchange of opinions.

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    • Mădălina lu' Cafanu

      A ruthless neoliberalism has dominated the world for many years, dressed in slogans of alleged universal values. The crises that still generate are painfully dissolved on behalf of the people, now visible villages of deception, poverty and dictation. And the propaganda of the new ideal associates to an insecurity the inevitable faces an increasingly expensive and more intrusive surveillance. Romania is going through this purgatory in its own way. Without leaders, without program, without courage. Only with revolt, excessive judiciarism and other geopolitical fairs.

      «In the cancellations of power there is a lot of talk, but it is recorded very few times near the essence of the topics discussed. Written documents – a condition of proving dirty secrets – are replaced by orality and decisive allusion, understood only by close collaborators of the high dignitaries, those initiated in the occult practices of government. Practices most often deduced from the rituals of discrete organizations that opened, funded and illuminated the path to power. […] Political capital is an endless source of onerous profit. In each election campaign, the leaders of the political parties accumulate, at their own risk, several million euros, each according to the importance and chances of the party. The aspirants to the armchairs of power buy their places on lists and functions in central or local administration. They know that they must officially contribute to the party’s treasury, but only after they have been accepted the amount of the gift due to the supreme political boss. The amount of this gift is communicated and received by a personal representative, usually a member of the first political family of the party.
      The sources of this money are more filthy than the filthiest secrets of power. For the bleaching of political gifts, there are networks of some brothers of the transnational criminal trinity – “failed submasons”, secret services and banking mafia organizations -, covered as investment funds, brokerage companies, charitable works, foundations for the support of civil liberties, etc. »

      Aurel I. Rogojan (born in 1949 in Incesti, Ceica, Bihor county) has devoted his entire career to the national school of national security information. Head of promotion of the military school of active officers of the State Security Council, specializing in counterintelligence (1970), and graduate of the Law School in Bucharest (1973), he also did post-graduate studies of psycho-pedagogy, criminology and political-administrative management. The professional activity began in 1970 at the Bucharest Municipal Security. Between 1977 and 1985 he was the head of the cabinet of Colonel General Iulian Vlad (Secretary of State in the Ministry of Interior, 1984 Deputy Minister of the Interior, and from 1987 Minister of State Secretary and Head of the Department of State Security – D.S.S.). The events of December 1989 found Aurel I. Rogojan at the command of the Independent Secretarial-Legal Service of the D.S.S. Between 1990 and 2006, within the Romanian Intelligence Service, he dealt with the regulation and planning of the information activity, he taught in high profile institutions and ensured, from highly responsible positions, the management of information resources. It was uninterrupted in activity between 1970 and 2006.
      In addition to articles, interviews and conferences published in the press, he published a series of works under “classified information”, as well as the volumes 1989. From one winter to another. Romania in the secret springs of history (Proema Publishing House, Baia Mare, 2009), The Secret Services Window. Romania in the game of global strategies (Company Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011), Apusul Agorei. Romanians under the sixth «… ESCU» (Proema Publishing House, Baia Mare, 2014). He is co-author of the works: Foreign secret services. Retrospective and current affairs. Interference in the Romanian space – together with Marian Ureche (vol. 1 and 2, Paco Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999-2000); together with Traian-Valentin Poncea, Secret Services in Hungary (Publishing of the National Information Academy, Bucharest, 2003), Hungarian espionage in Romania (Elion Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007), History, geopolitics and espionage in the Western Balkans (Proema Publishing House, Baia Mare, 2009).

      The Internal Factor book. Romania in the spiral of conspiracies – Aurel I. Rogojan belongs to the category Bookstore policy Libris.ro and is written by Aurel I. Rogojan.

      "Mi piace"

      • macalder02

        You have given me a master class in the political reality of your Romania. Just because of isolated international news, I had the opportunity to read about the situation, but I never thought that corruption was at those levels. According to what I deduce from your analysis, it is very complicated to get out of this quagmire and rather, it is exacerbated by the excessive power of political leaders. That is, the disaster will continue against the interests of the people. Thank you for having dedicated your time to explain, in a clear and concise way, a reality of a country that does not deserve this punishment. I admire your ability to analyze and you have the profile of a leader. Good day for you.

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      • Mădălina lu' Cafanu

        Same to you, Malcander!
        Thank you! 😊

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